The University of Lapland brings expertise in product design, service design and usability research to the PlastLife project

As part of the PlastLIFE project, the University of Lapland is developing the industrial design of plastic products. The University of Lapland participates in the PlastLIFE project from the perspective of industrial design and focuses on providing expertise in product design, service design and usability research. The aim of the work carried out at the Faculty of Art and Design of the University of Lapland is to use product design to reduce the amount of plastics used in packaging and products and to maximise the recyclability of packaging. Through design, new solutions can be found to reduce plastic in consumer products and packaging and to replace it with alternative and recycled materials. Service design is also used in the design work to help identify new approaches to maximize citizen engagement and the efficiency of plastics recycling. The design work is carried out in close cooperation with the other project partners. Design exhibitions serve as one channel for sharing the results.

3D printers at U. Lapland
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